Steam for mac civilization 5
Steam for mac civilization 5

steam for mac civilization 5

You will need the Steam Client running in the background though. Launch the Steam Client! - But do not use the Steam Client to launch the game! In my tests that did not work.Then use the Finder to move the steam_appid.txt from the Desktop to the "/Users/MYUSERNAME/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Sid Meier's Civilization V/Civilization" folder. Just be sure to choose "Format" in the top menu and choose "Make Plain Text" add the number 8930 to the file then save your new file to the Desktop. (This is Steam's app id for Civ5.) Then save and close the file.*EDIT* You can use launch TextEdit to make the new steam_appid.txt file. The only thing you are going to put in this file is the number 8930. This is where you are going to add one file.

steam for mac civilization 5

Here you should see the actual Civilization V executable and a handful of library files.

  • In the Contents folder open up the MacOS folder.
  • " Choose "Show Package Contents" from the dropdown.
  • Hold Control and click on "Civilization
  • Even better drag it down to the dock to make a shortcut to launch Civ 5 this way. Mine is at /Users/MYUSERNAME/Library/Application Support/Steam/steamapps/common/Sid Meier's Civilization V/Civilization
  • Using the Finder find the game application.
  • Result: Workaround found, minimal changes required and the game is running with expansions and without errors. Special thanks to this thread for the inspiration. (At least until Valve gets its rear in gear.)Īction: Googling for info and hacking files to get Civ 5 running. Task: Find a hack/fix/workaround to get Civ 5 to launch again.

    Steam for mac civilization 5 update#

    The break is caused by the Steam client update and they keep telling us to contact Aspyr. Many players are posting their experiences in the steam community and sending crash reports to Aspyr and Valve, but it doesn't look like anything will be fixed soon. Situation: On Oct 6th or 7th Valve rolled out an update to the Steam Client that crashes Civ 5 on game launch.

    Steam for mac civilization 5